Movie Review: The ABCs of Death 2

ABCs of Death 2 poster
@calcium_waste stares death in the face as he reviews The ABCs of Death 2…

Many horror fans with an affinity for cult films flocked to The ABCs of Death when it was first released in 2012. With such an original concept, it was impossible to resist. We have, 26 directors, 26 letters of the alphabet, and each director is given a letter and told to choose a word, creating a 3-5 minute short in which someone or several people are killed.
The first instalment, as expected, had its short films that outshone others. However, as a whole, ABCs of Death wasn’t particularly an enjoyable watch. It became over hyped by cult classic directors and was a disappointment for most. Fortunately this time around, the directing is mostly solid and the short films range from enjoyable to unpredictable to unapologetically offensive, and it is a blast to watch.
ABCs of Death scene
Yes, the same dilemma arises with ABCs of Death 2: Some short films outshine others, and several feel entirely outlandish and unnecessary. However, as a whole, this sequel is filled with insane story lines, violent brashness, and mind-bending segments that were simply nonexistent or entirely boring in the first film.
ABCs of Death 2 opens with a fantastic short film by E.L. Katz (Cheap Thrills) that sets the right pace for the film. Several segments that stood out to myself were letters J (is for Jesus), O (is for Ochlocracy), S (is for Split), and Y (is for Youth). However, as every horror fan has their own preference in storytelling, favorites will vary greatly.
Most important of all, ABCs of Death 2 is a gory, thrilling, cerebral mixing pot of hysteria and horror that many cult classic enthusiasts will savor. It is insanity from start to finish and definitely worth a look—even if you’re still a bit on the fence because of the first instalment. It’s loads better. Trust me.
D.A Zapata
Follow @calcium_waste on twitter

Images: IMDB &

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